Active Reading

This is my annotations for Carol Dweck’s The power of believing that you can improve. I tried to highlight and annotate in the margins to point out significant areas in the text that I should pay attention to. It was effective in helping me understand the text on a larger scale, and find the little details hidden within the text. I found myself using this annotation style in my science textbooks too. I would highlight important words or phrases that I needed to remember.

This is my annotations for David Kirp’s Conquering the Freshman Fear of Failure. Here I highlighted less, but instead gravitated to using more annotations to guide me while reading. I found the annotations to be extremely useful because it would keep me from just rereading the highlights, and instead provide me with the main points that I needed to understand in the annotations. I found myself using this style of annotation in my Biology class as well because it would point out key concepts, and help explain what they are all about.
